Where does one start to improve a healthcare system?

In 2019, the governor of Cabinda province (population 800,000) in remote northern Angola requested help with the health care system. Discussions with government authorities were followed by a series of 360-degree community engagements and with a corporate sponsor, enabling all parties to express perspectives and insights.

A methodical in-person evaluation of the current state was then conducted with local citizens and healthcare professionals.

From everyone’s input, 14 potential initial investments were identified as actions to improve the healthcare system. With local data provided by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, representatives reconvened to assess these investment options. A values-based decision analysis tool was introduced and the group was engaged in employing the tool.

The process made robust discussions relevant by making trade-offs between options clear and visible. The result was agreement that the most impactful investment at this time was revitalizing the maternal healthcare system, from the very basic to tertiary levels.

The strong consensus among the group rapidly drove the development of a highly practical action plan, with prompt endorsement by the government and corporate sponsor.
