How we work


Our process begins by understanding the objectives of the donor in relationship to the needs of the community.

Our clients will benefit from the health data, analytics and methods of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which Health Systems Thinkers incorporates into solutions

With objective analyses and a systems lens, we lead all stakeholders in a values-based collaboration to rank the most impactful options. Health Systems Thinkers collectively establishes accountability frameworks for the agreed actions, including designs for sustainability and metrics to measure success.

We do not stop there. We help the donor, the community, and the implementing partner maintain progress in achieving their shared objectives. We periodically reconvene all stakeholders to remove barriers, ensure alignment, and monitor impact. Our deep experience in low-resource settings enables us to ground-truth the activities underway.

We ultimately taper our participation as the donor and community realize the benefits of their shared investment.


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Health Systems Thinkers helps everyone see the data, analyze it, and address the most important needs in measurable ways.